DSC 2332 LR


An implant is a tooth root replacement, which is placed in the jawbone during a small surgical procedure. This is often done under local anesthesia. Most implants look like a screw and are made of titanium, zirconium, or a combination of these materials. The implant serves as a strong foundation for an implant crown, implant bridge, or artificial (snap-on) denture.

M. Cardoso Tandartspraktijk
Kruisweg 1067A
2131 CT  Hoofddorp
T  023 205 29 29
E-mail: balie@mcardosotandarts.nl

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday closed
Break: 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm

Phone hours:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am - 12.30 pm

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