AEsthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry is the dental discipline that deals with the aesthetics and functional restoration of the teeth, aiming to preserve as much natural tooth tissue (teeth and molars) as possible while enhancing the natural aesthetics of your smile.


Use is made of tooth-coloured filling materials, crowns and veneers, which can be used to make improvements in the shape, position and colour of the teeth and molars. Bleaching discoloured teeth and molars also falls under cosmetic dentistry.

M. Cardoso Tandartspraktijk
Kruisweg 1067A
2131 CT  Hoofddorp
T  023 205 29 29

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday closed
Break: 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm

Phone hours:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am - 12.30 pm

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