Looking for a dentist in Hoofddorp? New patients are always welcome with us. We always start with an intake for new patients - to get to know each other, discuss the possibilities, and explain our approach.
We will map out your teeth in consultation and create a treatment plan in line with your complaints and wishes.
You can register using the form below or by contacting us by phone. We are available by phone from Monday to Thursday from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. For example, to make an appointment or for any questions.
You can call 023-205 29 29.
If you are switching from another practice to ours, please ask if your data can be forwarded to balie@mcardosotandarts.nl. Your data will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy.
Fill out the form and click SEND. After sending, we will contact you as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.
M. Cardoso Tandartspraktijk
Kruisweg 1067A
2131 CT Hoofddorp
T 023 205 29 29
E-mail: balie@mcardosotandarts.nl
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday closed
Break: 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm
Phone hours:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am - 12.30 pm